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   sql injection ¹æ¾î ÄÚµå

http://www.hackerschool.org/HS_Boards/zboard.php?id=QNA_Web&no=275 [º¹»ç]

For i=1 To Len(AsciiStr)
  If Str<0 Then
  End If

End Function


For each item in Request.QueryString
        for injection_i = 1 to Request.QueryString(item).Count

        strInjection        =         strInjection & Request.QueryString(item)(injection_i)
        tmpstring                =         replace(Request.QueryString(item)(injection_i)," ","")
    if  instr(UCASE(tmpstring),"'OR")        > 0 or instr(UCASE(tmpstring),"'AND")        > 0 then
                        alert("SQL Injection hacking[page back]");
        end if

        strInjection        =         strInjection & item


For each item in Request.Form
        for injection_i = 1 to Request.Form(item).Count
        strInjection        =        strInjection & Request.form(item)(injection_i)

        tmpstring                =         replace(Request.form(item)(injection_i)," ","")
    if  instr(UCASE(tmpstring),"'OR")        > 0 or instr(UCASE(tmpstring),"'AND")        > 0 then
                        alert("SQL Injection hacking[page back]");
        end if
    strInjection        =        strInjection & item

if instr(UCASE(strInjection),"CREATE")        > 0 or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"DELETE")>0 or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"DROP")>0 or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"UPDATE")>0 or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"SELECT")>0 or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"UNION")>0 OR  instr(UCASE(strInjection),"EXEC")>0  OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"INSERT")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"DECLARE")>0 or instr(UCASE(strInjection)," OR")>0 OR  instr(UCASE(strInjection)," AND")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"--")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"'")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"DBCC")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"ALTER")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"BACKUP")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"SET")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"CLOSE")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"RETURN")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"EXISTS")>0 OR instr(UCASE(strInjection),"TRUNCATE") > 0 then

        alert("Çã¿ëµÇÁö ¾Ê´Â ±ÛÀÚ°¡ Æ÷ÇԵǾî ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.SQL");

end if

if     instr(UCASE(strInjection),"<SCRIPT")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"</SCRIPT")>0          or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"<HTML")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"</HTML")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"<META")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"<LINK")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"<HEAD")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"</HEAD")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"<BODY")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"</BODY")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"<FORM")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"</FORM")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"<STYLE")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"</STYLE")>0         or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"COOKIE")>0        or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"<DOCUMENT.")>0          or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"SCRIPT:")>0 or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"EMBED")>0 or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"<")>0 or instr(UCASE(strInjection),">")>0   or instr(UCASE(strInjection),"HTTP:")>0 or instr(UCASE(AsciiToUnicode(strInjection)), AsciiToUnicode("<"))>0 or instr(UCASE(AsciiToUnicode(strInjection)),AsciiToUnicode(">"))>0 or instr(UCASE(strInjection), "&#")>0        Then
        alert("½ºÅ©¸³Æ®³ª HTMLű״ »ç¿ëÇÏ½Ç ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.");

end if

        'Ư¼ö¹®ÀÚ º¯°æÇϱâ
        Function Checkot(CheckValue)
                CheckValue = replace(CheckValue, "<", "<")
                CheckValue = replace(CheckValue, ">", ">")        
                CheckValue = replace(CheckValue, "&", "&" )
                Checkot = CheckValue
        End Function

        Function Checkit(CheckValue)
                CheckValue = replace(CheckValue, "&" , "&")
                CheckValue = replace(CheckValue, "<", "<")
                CheckValue = replace(CheckValue, ">", ">")
                CheckValue = replace(CheckValue, "'", "''")
                Checkit = CheckValue
        End Function

        Function numdel(var)
                If InStr(var,".") Then
                        a = Split(var,".")(0)
                        If Len(Left(Split(var,".")(1),2)) > 1 Then
                                b = Left(Split(var,".")(1),2)
                        ElseIf Len(Left(Split(var,".")(1),2)) > 0 Then
                                b = Left(Split(var,".")(1),2) & "0"
                                b = "00"
                        End If
                        var = a & "." & b
                        var = var & ".00"
                End If

                numdel = var
        End Function

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  Hit : 3033     Date : 2019/10/04 07:19

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203   À¥ÇØÅ· ÀÔ¹®ÇÒ·Á°íÇÕ´Ï´Ù. Á¶¾ð¹×°ú¿ÜÇØÁֽǽº½Â´Ô ±¸ÇÕ´Ï´õ[3]     edustars
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1 [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]..[11]

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